What I Like About Wheatland: By Wheatland-Chili 2016 High School Seniors

“The people are nice and supportive.”

“Wheatland is not just where my house is, it is altogether my home. This town will forever be home, no matter where I end up in the future.”

“Wheatland is a small, bright community.”

“I love how close knit this community is, just going for a walk in town will include seeing at least five familiar faces.”

“Everyone knows everyone and at a second notice is willing to help each other in time of need.”

“I like a lot of things about Wheatland and all of them revolve around the size of the town. We grieve together, we celebrate together, making the Town of Wheatland one big extended family.”

“You know almost everyone and see a smiling face everywhere you go.”

“I’ve never seen a group of people so helpful and prideful in who we are and what we do.”

“Going to community events and knowing everyone.”

“People care about you (and there) is lots to do in town.”

“The friends I have made.”